Below you will find resources I’ve used, taught, and believe in. I post updates as I add to this page on Facebook @professorgallegos


I’m not a big book reader but I am a book listener. What I mean by that is that the majority of the books listed below have been in audio form.  I’m a hands on guy and time is precious to me so when I’m driving, working out, biking or running, I listen to books on Audible and other audio programs. Below are books I’ve heard and recommend for entrepreneurs or people who want to gain personal and business knowledge:

Finance and Accounting

  • Profit First by Mike Michalowicz – We started using Mike’s innovative accounting methods for our business SA Perks LLC and it became profitable instantaneously. He tells us to use different bank accounts and allocate money into different buckets like deposits, tax, profit, expenses, and owners pay.
  • The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey – I was introduced to Dave Ramsey by a friend of mine, LeAnn Dinsdale. Dave changed my relationship with money and taught me how to master personal finance. This, even after having been a banker. We use Dave Ramsey’s budgeting principles in our personal and business finances. After mastering Dave Ramsey’s principles, I recommend learning from Rober Kiyosaki and his book Rich Dad Poor Dad.
  • Start Your Own Corporation and Run Your Own Corporation by Rich Dad’s Advisor Garrett Sutton Esq. – These two books taught me the legal importance and tax benefits of setting up a legal entity for your business. It is great for a person looking to start a business and for those who have a business set up as a Sole Proprietor or General Partnership. The first Limited Liability Company I set up was SA Perks LLC and can attribute the many benefits our LLC gives us because of these books, my favorite benefit being the S-Corp designation so our profit is not taxed as earned income and not subject to personal income taxes.


  • Scale – Seven Proven Principles to Grow Your Business and Get Your Life Back by Jeff Hoffman and David Finkel – Scale is a great book that teaches you to create systems to proactively manage the business, your customers and end the “self-employment trap.” It also introduces three different levels of a business and how to achieve each and enter the “Exit Stage.” We have implements much of their strategies in our business and continuously reference it as we SCALE!

Real Estate

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki – I bought my first house when I was 22 years old as I was leaving the military. I only lived in it for 6 months because I moved to Austin to go to college instead of staying in San Antonio as originally planned. Because of Robert’s book, I decided to keep that house and it has given me cashflow and equity. This book will also change the way you look at money and investing. I recommend mastering Dave Ramsey’s teachings before using Robert’s methods.
  • Real Estate Loop-Holes Secrets of Successful Real Estate Investing by Rich Dad’s Advisors Diane Kennedy, CPA and Garrett Sutton, Esq., Corporate Attorney – This book dives deep into taxation and legal protection of your assets. Read this book before buying your first property. It opens your eyes to the benefits and risks or being a real estate investor but more importantly how to protect and take advantage of your assets.

Websites and Podcasts

  • Bigger Pockets – This is a great website to learn to invest in Real Estate. It has interviews (on YouTube and on their Podcast) with people who started from the ground up and share their story for you to learn from. It is also a way to connect with other Real Estate investors as well as a marketplace for properties plus investment calculators to evaluate properties. I have learned so many things from Bigger Pockets, it is a great resource.


  • Gary Vaynerchuck – I started following Gary in early 2016 after having bought Perk’s Coffee Cafe. I needed to learn how to use social media for our business and my friend Ruby Montalvo told me to watch one of his keynotes. Gary teaches more than just how to leverage social media for your business but also your personal brand and many other things. He is a practitioner and gives his best advise for free. I recommend following him but I must warn you, he cusses a lot. So, if you are under age, check with your parents before listening to him.


  • Gallegos Weekly Planner – Below is a weekly planner I created for you to use. It has a combination of items from books I’ve read that help me stay motivated and organized. In it you will see the SAVERS from Hal Elrod’s “Miracle Morning,” #1 Thing from Gary Keller’s “The One Thing” and a few tools from Brandon Turner’s “Intention Journal.” I recommend these books to help you get a better understanding for the different items in the weekly planner.

Gallegos Weekly Planner

I post updates as I add to this page on Facebook @professorgallegos